Organic FoodPrint

is an applied research project that compares the climate and environmental impacts of organic foods with that of conventional foods. The aim is to develop indicators and instruments to easily optimize the environmental impact of meals. Research findings will be made publicly available and can be integrated into the work of restaurants, individuals and organizations.

A sustainability standard for restaurants

31% of greenhouse gases originate from the production and consumption of food. Currently, consensus on methodology and underlying assumptions of carbon footprint-calculations on organically produced foods is lacking.

Life cycle assessments do not necessarily capture the full environmental impact. Which additional factors other than carbon emissions should be considered in sustainability standards for meals? And how can this be easily adapted in restaurants and by individuals?

Together with scientific partners and a broad range of stakeholders we further investigate these questions. By collaborating with experts and stakeholders we target for broad consensus and easy applicability in restaurants.

Project goals

  • Identification of the most important factors and assumptions influencing the climate. Environmental impact of organic and conventional foods. Extension of our CO2-database with improved calculations for organic ingredients.
  • Identification of climate and environmentally relevant regulations of different organic standards and labels.
  • Quantification of the potential climate and environmental impacts of different organic standards and labels using the LCA method.
  • Develop practical recommendations and instruments for restaurants and the general public.
  • Adaptation and improvement of analysis, methodology and developed applications by having stakeholder reviews and organizing discussion groups and exchange workshops.

You are invited to participate

This is a multi-stakeholder project. Scientific partners, experts and stakeholders are invited to come on board to secure quality, stimulate debate and fruitful exchange. Possible involvements range from active collaboration and carrying out reviews, to participation in workshops, or merely being kept up-to-date. Our long-term vision is to build a knowledge consortium on food and, its related environmental and health impacts.

Duration: 1.5.2015-31.1.2017
Project organization: Isabel O'Connor, Eaternity –
Deputy: Judith Ellens, Eaternity –
Zollikerstr.76, 8008 Zürich, +41 76 479 62 47
Scientific partner: Deborah Scharfy, Institut für Umwelt und Natürliche Ressourcen IUNR, ZHAW Wädenswil –
Made possible by: Engagement Migros development fund